Let’s face it: if there was a way for you to enjoy rapid and effective weight loss, you would have pursued it by now. Summer may almost be over, but that doesn’t mean you’re not ready to rock those tiny miniskirts and glamorous cocktail dresses that have been making their way across the runways.
And besides, having a trim and toned body isn’t limited to just one season – it should be experienced all year round!
At the Fountain of Youth Medical Spa in Victoria, TX we believe you should enjoy the body of your dreams faster. That means undergoing a weight-loss program that’s safe, effective, and works quickly. Luckily, Dr. Nhi Le has developed three powerful weight-loss programs, each with their own advantages.
Ideal Protein Weight Loss
As the name suggests, the Ideal Protein Weight Loss program focuses on using protein – a key ingredient for muscle growth – to jumpstart your body’s fat-burning powers. By reducing processed foods and carbs and increasing protein in your diet, this gives your muscles the kick-start they need to start burning significant amounts of fat. The Ideal Protein Weight Loss program is different from other diets (especially Atkins) in that it allows you to continue enjoying the foods you love in moderate amounts.
The HCG Diet
If you’ve never heard of the HCG diet before, then get ready to meet a powerful weight loss program that will reveal your most toned body yet. The HCG Diet (which stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a hormone responsible for blasting fat cells and helping the body eliminate them. These hormones are delivered to your body in a liquid form, of which a few drops is placed on your tongue each day. Followers of the HCG Diet often experience incredible weight-loss (sometimes up to two pounds of fat loss per day).
Medical Weight Loss
Dr. Nhi Le is pleased to offer a unique medical weight loss program that’s only available at the Fountain of Youth Medical Spa in Victoria, TX. With this medically supervised weight loss program, Dr. Le will provide you with weekly counseling, blood work, individualized exercise routines, and meal plans to ensure you lose weight quickly and permanently.
No matter which weight-loss program you select, you can trust that you’ll lose weight under Dr. Le’s supervision. If you’re ready to shed fat and unleash your ultimate body, then it’s time to visit Dr. Le at the Fountain of Youth Medical Spa in Victoria, TX today. We’re conveniently located on the Texas gulf coast, near Corpus Christi, San Antonio, Austin & Houston.
To schedule your consultation simply fill out the form in the top right corner, or call 361-576-9100.