How Often Do I Need PRP Treatments For Hair Loss?
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- January 5, 2023
Hair loss can have a significant influence on psychological distress which is associated with low self-esteem and depression. According to the study of The American Hair Loss Association, two-thirds of men are most likely to begin to see the first signs of hair loss by age 32. whereas, at least 40% of women start to notice hair loss issues by the age of 45 because of various causes. To combat the problem, modern-day research has found many methods to restore hair but very few of them are really effective. Dr. Nhi Le, recommends PRP Hair Rejuvenation. She has helped many male and female patients to reclaim their hair.
Why We Recommend PRP Hair Restoration
The PRP hair restoration treatment has earned the popularity and frequency in recent years. The patients across the globe have acknowledged the results with long term benefits and no or negligible side-effects. It is an admirable, non-surgical treatment with hardly any downtime.
How PRP Hair Restoration Works
In 1st option, It can be done either applying the PRP directly to the scalp followed with micro-needling. In the 2nd method, a small amount is injected at multiple locations where we have thin hair. We can also use both methods on one patient. The PRP then triggers the body’s natural healing instincts. Research indicates that PRP promotes hair growth by stimulating hair follicle stem cells. The platelet growth factors induce follicle stem cells to shift from a dormant state to an active state, and that starts the process of hair production.
How long does it take PRP for hair growth to work?
It varies on person to person. Most people can expect to notice new hair growth or thicker hair growth about 1 – 4 months after a full round of PRP hair restoration treatment.
How many PRP treatments do I need for hair loss?
Again, this can vary based on individual patient factors, including the cause of their hair loss, the severity of their hair loss, and others. Most often, patients undergo a series of about 3 – 6 PRP treatments in their initial round of therapy. After this, patients may continue to enjoy fuller, healthier, denser hair for up to 1 – 3 years. However, many patients choose to undergo routine rounds of PRP therapy about 1 – 2 times per year to maintain consistent hair growth over a longer period of time.
Call us on (361) 576-9100 and book the best PRP Hair Restoration Treatment in Victoria, Texas!