Victoria, TX
Non- Surgical Stretch Mark Removal
Stretch marks are one of those body features that everybody wants gone, but almost nobody seems able to get rid of. But with so much being tossed about in cosmetic circles about stretch mark removal, is it really possible to get rid of them.
Stretch marks are often the result of pregnancy, or they may be due to weight fluctuations, or hormonal changes that occur during puberty. Whatever the cause, stretch marks always turn up in the wrong places, such as on the abdomen, hips, legs, and upper arms. When you have stretch marks on these areas it makes it almost impossible to confidently sport that bathing suit or shorts, without feeling some amount of anxiety. But we can help!
At the Fountain of Youth MedSpa, we have taken on the battle of the stretch marks, and have been able to successfully conquer this and other skin issues, using innovative skin care solutions like Fraxel technology.

Fraxel Technology
Fraxel Technology is proven to be effective in reducing the appearance of stretch marks. The laser light treats microscopic portions of the skin, while leaving the surrounding tissue undisturbed. These microbeams of light break up the stretch marks, and stimulate collagen production. Collagen is a key structural component of the skin and contributes to tighter skin, as well as faster cell turnover. The changing and renewal of the skin cells helps to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
Fraxel laser treatment for stretch marks is virtually pain free, although some patients do experience minor discomfort. Downtime is nil, but there may be some redness after treatment. Three to five treatments are normally recommended in order to achieve optimal results.
So you don’t have to live with those unsightly stretch marks anymore, simply give us a call at Fountain of Youth MedSpa, and we can set up a consultation for you. With Fraxel laser treatment, you can expect superior results, and your skin will be clearer and smoother than before.