What causes brown spots?
Most brown spots on the skin are caused by sunlight, UV radiation or aging changes. If the brown spots create a patch or larger area of pigment, this may indicate melasma, which is often worsened during pregnancy or with exposure to the sun.
Some brown spots are melasma, which is often worsened during pregnancy or with exposure to the sun. Unfortunately, melasma can be made worse with laser or IPL treatments. Melasma can be diagnosed by a physician and can be superficial, mixed or deep.
How is Melasma Treated?
Melasma is best treated with a one time peel designed specifically for melasma called Nupeel™, a physician’s unique peel, that effectively brightens the skin complexion.
Dr Nhi Le also prescribes a compounded Hydroquinone bleaching cream, with Isotretinoin, if you desire to peel off years of wrinkles as well as melasma.
For quick results and ethnic skin, Dr Nhi Le recommends the Revlite laser treatment series to remove the melasma and rejuvenate skin without any down time.

Treatment of Brown Spots
IPL, Laser, Peels, Home Skin Conditioning Programme. IPL fotofacial is the best treatment for brownspots that are not melasma. Pre-treating the skin with a home conditioning program for 4-6 weeks and/or adding peels before and between IPL treatments can often improve the outcome of IPL by as much as 35%.
Contact us today for a personalized consultation or call 361-576-9100.