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Vampire Facelift

Vampire Facelift

Victoria, TX

Vampire Facelift

The vampire facelift is among the newest advances in anti-aging procedures. It is a great way to rejuvenate the face by restoring its tone, texture, and volume. The procedure involves the use of the patient’s own blood to revitalize the skin. It is recommended for individuals that need only minor correction for facial aging.

vampire facelift
Fountain medical SPA Vampire Facelift

The Face and Aging

As the skin ages, changes occur that alter its texture and appearance, but treatments like the vampire facelift can help turn back the clock. As medical professionals learn more about the aging process and what causes the skin to age, a number of new treatments have emerged. The vampire facelift is one of these innovations. It is a proven technique that can correct skin damage and reduce the signs of aging.

The 3 step Vampire Facelift

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) filler is first injected into the wrinkles and hollows, to sculpt and shape the face. Typically, Juvederm or Restylane are the HA fillers used.

The doctor will then harvest blood from the patient’s own body. The platelets from the blood are then isolated from other components using a centrifuge, after which they are activated. This helps to release growth factors that are present in the platelets, and leads to the formation of a platelet derived fluid known as platelet-rich plasma or PRP.

The PRP is then injected back into the areas of the face that need enhancement. The growth factors activate the skin cells, and contribute to the stimulation of collagen, which renews and tightens the skin.

Since the Vampire Facelift utilizes the patient’s own blood, the allergic reaction that can occur with synthetic products is avoided. After the procedure, there is a distinctive improvement in the appearance of the skin.  The face has a healthy glow, and appears sculpted and more youthful. The results of the Vampire Facelift last between 12-15 months. You can check out the official website for the Vampire Facelift here.

To schedule your consultation contact the Fountain of Youth MedSpa today.

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